Stop Shaken Baby Syndrome Inc.

Our Mission 

    Each year in the United States alone; an estimated 1,400 - 1,600 babies are diagnosed with Shaken Baby Syndrome. SBS is the leading cause of death in abusive head trauma cases. Between children who have been misdiagnosed, haven't sought treatment, and in cases of death without autopsy; it is widely believed that the actual number of SBS victims is almost triple that of the diagnosed cases.

    Shaken Baby Syndrome is a form of child abuse with severe consequences; 1/3 of the victims with suffer mild to moderate lifelong disabilities, 1/3 will suffer moderate to severe lifelong disabilities, 1/3 of these children WILL DIE, while only about 7% of survivors will develop seemingly without issue (new research suggest there may be a connection between children who have been shaken and later diagnoses such as: ADD, oppositional defiance disorder, aspbergers, and autism).

    Stop Shaken Baby Syndrome Inc. is a non-profit corporation located just north of Boston, Massachusetts. Our focus and dedication is to COMPLETELY ERADICATE SBS through education and awareness. How do we intend to do this? Can a small organization, such as ours, bring about the kind of change needed?  Well, the answer is YES!! Yes we can! But not alone; WE NEED YOU TOO! It's imperative that we all stand up together with determination, and believe that all children can and should be safe from harm. When we stand together we can make a difference.


 What We're Doing Now


    Since 2007, Stop SBS Inc. implemented hospital education programs available for: Parenting classes, support groups, daddy boot camps, new parents who just delivered, young parent support groups, as well as post partum groups.  We will gladly give SBS education presentations to any community group, school, and individual or collaborative that requests one. Our organization will also train nurses and other facilitators to teach SBS education, recognize the signs and symptoms of SBS, and to approach parents in a way that is inviting and non-threatening.
     Our SBS education programs include: A 30 minute lecture detailing statistics, how SBS is diagnosed, what are the dangers and potential outcomes, myths and mistruths surrounding SBS, and finally "How to keep babies safe". Following the speaker is a 9-minute DVD solidifying the dangers of shaking a baby, with 20-30mins available for Q&A. All class participants are given brochures with information on SBS, how to cope with crying, and where to get support.  Our education programs are offered without charge. 

We are a charity organization and operate solely on donations, grants, and the personal contributions of our founders.